Cut Your Marketing Costs:
Re-Engage Guests Where They Already are

An All-in-One Chatbot Solution for
lowering your guest acquisition costs by 20%,
3x check averages, and boosting repeat visits
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By using GoSky AI, we bridged offline point collection with online member tasks, enriching their experience through coupons!

Yang , CEO - Oregin

More Customers, Regulars, Revenue

Cut Customer Acquisition Costs, Send Zero-Cost Menu Promos, and Easily Track ROI

Attract New Customers For Less

Pair GoSky with your Facebook promotions to slash your guest acquisition expenses by up to 20%. Utilize Click-to-Messenger Ads to usher potential diners into Messenger, where you can vet their dining preferences and sustain meaningful guest engagement.

Re-engage Regulars at Zero Cost

Winning over new guests can be up to 5x pricier than keeping the loyal ones. Use zero-cost announcements to roll out new menu items or specials and keep your regulars coming back.

Effortless Opt-Ins, More Repeat Guests

Turn your guests' smartphones into virtual loyalty cards—no additional apps needed. Enjoy higher opt-in rates by connecting in the social messaging platforms they already use.

Slash Ad Spending with Precise

Automatically gather fan lists, preferences, and statuses for precise ad placement, reducing costs, and enhancing your understanding of the target audience for more effective advertising.

Clear Dashboard to Track ROI

Gain real-time insights into your total diners and reachable guests to evaluate the impact of your acquisition, loyalty, and engagement efforts.
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Free 30-minute demo

Join us for
specialized tactics aimed at
doubling your revenue

  • A tailored, comprehensive review of your eatery's existing online footprint
  • An analysis of overlooked marketing areas, along with strategies for enhancement
  • Insights into how our game-changing service can expedite your goal attainment
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Good case study

Yo Kai Express
GoSky helped drive 2.3x in sales growth, also boosted:
  • aquisition
  • re-engagement
  • loyalty
Learn more about this case >
Sales growth
Average spending
Member addition
Daily engagement


What can I anticipate during the 30 minutes demo?

During the 30-minute demo, you'll get a hands-on walkthrough of GoSky's features tailored to F&B. We'll showcase how easy it is to set up and engage your diners effectively. We'll also address any specific concerns or needs you have related to your establishment.

Which communication platforms can our tool integrate with?

GoSky seamlessly integrates with leading communication platforms, including WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Instagram Direct, and more. 

How can this tool boost my diner engagement?

GoSky allows personalized communication, automates timely follow-ups, and sends targeted promotions, ensuring your diners always feel valued. With interactive chat features, it fosters meaningful interactions, turning casual diners into regulars.

How will this solution help in customer retention and loyalty?

GoSky's built-in loyalty program transforms diners' smartphones into virtual loyalty cards, promoting repeat visits. By offering custom rewards and personalized deals, you not only ensure diners come back but also advocate for your establishment to others.

How quickly can I see results in guest frequency and spending?

Many of our F&B partners have reported noticeable increases in guest frequency and average spending within the first month of using GoSky. However, results might vary based on your specific engagement strategies and the responsiveness of your diner base.

How does this tool handle feedback and reviews from diners?

GoSky encourages diners to leave feedback directly through the platform after each interaction or meal. Negative feedback is directed privately to management for resolution, while positive reviews can be showcased on your chosen platforms, helping you manage your establishment's reputation effectively.

Transform Marketing with GoSky

Harness your data through a chatbot, ensuring precision retargeting and instant ROI boost. Your next-level marketing begins with GoSky

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